About Us

Kaizenko provides public and private/corporate training along with coaching, and consulting services to help individuals, teams, and organizations accelerate their Agile journey and build high performing teams and organizations that innovate and deliver impactful products. 

Kaizenko’s certification classes follow a staged approach to learning that allows participants to choose an educational track between Organizational Leader, Product Owner / Product Manager,  Developer , and ScrumMaster. The model combines progressive in class training with work experience to help participants improve core knowledge, build skill sets, and acquire the necessary tools to evolve as high performing Agile practitioners, from Agile and Lean foundations to advanced practice to experienced professionals. Check out all of our classes here.

Kaizenko is a Scrum Alliance® Registered Education Provider (REP) . Scrum Alliance was founded in 2001, and is the largest, most established and influential professional membership and certification organization in the Agile community. As a nonprofit association with more than 1 million practitioners worldwide, it guides Agile practitioners through every step of their journey, providing Advocacy, Community, and Education.

Profile picture of Fadi Stephan
ICAgile Authorized Instructor

Fadi Stephan


Fadi Stephan is a Certified Scrum Trainer® (CST®), Agile Coach, and technology consultant with more than twenty years of experience at startups, government agencies, and Fortune500 companies across various sectors including financial, hospitality, and homeland. His focus is on building high performing innovative organizations and teams that deliver value early and maximize ROI. Prior to founding Kaizenko, Fadi led the Software Development Practice at Excella Consulting as well as their Digital Services Solutions. Before that, he was Director of Product Development at DATABASICS.

In 2014, Fadi became 1 of only 170 trainers worldwide to earn the distinguished Certified Scrum Trainer (CST) designation from the Scrum Alliance and became authorized to deliver public and private Scrum Alliance certification classes.

Fadi’s background is in technology consulting and product development. He has successfully led digital transformations by combining lean discovery with Agile delivery and a DevOps mindset to deliver impactful digital experiences. At client sites, Fadi trains and coaches teams on agility, leadership, product management, user-centered design, Agile engineering practices and DevOps.

Fadi is a recognized Agile thought leader that frequently presents at conferences worldwide. He is also the founder and co-organizer of DC’s largest Scrum User Group.

When Fadi is not teaching or coaching, he enjoys skiing, cycling, as well as diving.

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