UX in an Agile World Presentation

At the 2024 Global Scrum Gathering in New Orleans, Fadi Stephan presented on integrating UX work on Scrum teams. Below is the abstract of the talk, along with the presentation slides. Abstract: Many UX designers struggle to work within a Scrum environment and see Scrum as a framework mainly for programmers. Working in time-boxed Sprints and…

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Self-Organizing Team Canvas Presentation

At the 2023 Global Scrum Gathering in Amsterdam, Fadi Stephan presented on the Self-Organizing Team Canvas. Below is the abstract of the talk, along with the presentation slides and a blog post related to the presentation. Abstract: One of the 12 principles of the Agile Manifesto states that “The best architecture, requirements, and designs emerge from…


Definition of Done Canvas

At the 2023 Global Scrum Gathering in Portland, Fadi Stephan presented on the Definition of Done Canvas. Below is the abstract of the talk, along with the presentation slides and a blog post related to the presentation. Abstract: Many Scrum teams still struggle with delivering a high-quality, fully tested, production-ready product increment at the end of…


Top Tips For Product Backlog Refinement

At the 2022 & 2024 Global Scrum Gathering in Denver and Ghent, I presented on 6 Tips for Product Backlog Refinement. Below is the abstract of the talk, along with the presentation slides and a blog post related to the presentation. Abstract: Are your Sprint planning meetings taking longer and longer each Sprint? Are some of…


The Agile Dashboard

At the 2222 Global Scrum Gathering in Denver, I presented on Agile Metrics. Below is the abstract of the talk, along with the presentation slides. Abstract: There are more to Agile metrics than velocity and burn-down charts. However, most Agile teams just focus on velocity and target story points which leads to managers misusing the metric…


TDD – That Was Easy!

At the 2019 Global Scrum Gathering in Vienna and at AgileDC 2019 in Washington, DC, I presented on Test Driven Development. Below is the abstract of the talk, along with the presentation slides. AgileDC 2019 Abstract: Have you tried TDD? Do you hate it? Do you have a hard time applying it in practice? Do you…

Read more about the article Agile Testing – Testing from Day 1 Presentation
Acceptance Test Driven Development

Agile Testing – Testing from Day 1 Presentation

At the 2019 Global Scrum Gathering in Austin, TX, I presented on Agile Testing. Below is the abstract of the talk, along with links to the Agile Testing blog series and the presentation slides. 2019 Austin Global Scrum Gathering Abstract: Many teams struggle with fitting in testing activities inside of a Sprint. They end up doing…


Managing Technical Debt Presentation

I presented on Managing Technical Debt at the AgileDC2018 conference held at the Kellog Conference Center at Gallaudet University in Washington DC. I'd previously presented variations of this talk at Agile2014 in Orlando, as well as the Global Scrum Gathering in Las Vegas and in Barcelona. Below is the abstract, along with the slides from the…

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Fostering Self-Organizing Teams

Fostering Self-Organizing Teams Presentation

At the 2017 Global Scrum Gathering in San Diego, CA, I presented on Fostering Self-Organizing Team. Below is the abstract of the talk, along with links to the Fostering Self-Organizing Team blog series and the presentation slides. 2017 San Diego Global Scrum Gathering Abstract: One of the 12 principles of the Agile manifesto states that “The…