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I presented on The Art of Storytelling – User Stories Smells and Anti-patterns at the Agile2016 conference held in Atlanta, GA. I’d previously presented variations of this talk at 2015 Global Scrum Gathering in Pargue, Czech Republic and the 2015 Agile Development Practices Conference in Las Vegas, NV. Below is the abstract, along with the slides from the presentation and links to the blog post series on The Art of Storytelling.


Agilists employ user stories as a way to capture user requirements and drive the planning process for iterative and incremental delivery of software. Traditionalists with experience in “big requirements up front” often struggle with the brevity of user stories and how to best communicate requirements. In this presentation, we will look at common anti-patterns and mistakes that teams unknowingly employ when writing user stories. Come learn how to identify and avoid these mistakes. Understand what size is the right size for a user story and how to properly split a user story. Discover different boundaries for prioritizing stories. Learn how to decompose a story until it is ready for development. Leave with new insights on how to write effective user stories.