Interpreting Cumulative Flow Diagrams

For our May event, Mark Grove presented on Interpreting Cumulative Flow Diagrams. Abstract The Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD). Perhaps you’ve heard of it. Maybe you’ve been told it can help you better understand the flow of work, identify bottlenecks, and get a sense how long work items will take to complete. It sounds intriguing, but…how exactly…


Psychological Safety: A dive into neuroscience and psychology

In November, Mike Bowler presented on Psychological Safety: A dive into neuroscience and psychology. Abstract The term "psychological safety" was originally coined by Amy Edmondson to describe a behaviour that we can observe. But what does it mean to be psychologically safe? Why is this such a powerful and critical aspect to ourselves, and those around…


Modern Management: Adapt How You Lead for Agile Success

In November, Johanna Rothman presented on Modern Management - Adapt How You Lead for Agile Success. Abstract Too many people say, “With agile, we don’t need no stinkin’ managers.” However, because managers create and refine the culture, modern managers create and refine the agile culture. Without modern management, any agile initiative will die. It’s time to…


Agile Scaling – 3 Factors You Need for Success

For our July event, Nicole Spence-Goon presented on Agile Scaling and the factors you need for success. Abstract Have you ever thought to yourself... • How can we make Agile Scaling less of a goal itself and more of a method to get our organizational goals? • We know we need to scale but where do…


Beyond Software

On June 21, 2021, Franky Jones presented on "Beyond Software" at the DC Scrum User Group (DCSUG). Abstract In this discussion, we will explore how a single conversation between coworkers on a software team sparked the implementation of Scrum across an entire organization. Leveraging the teachings from "Beyond the Goal", by Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt, we…


Beyond Scrum and SAFe

Sandeep Paudel presented on "Beyond Scrum and SAFe - How to Choose the Right Framework for your Teams or Organizations" at the DC Scrum User Group (DCSUG) on June 11, 2021. Abstract Are you confused why Scrum is not working for your software development teams; then you moved to Kanban, which turned out to be a…


Guiding Your Team To Technical Excellence

On May 17, 2021, Fadi Stephan presented on "Guiding Your Team To Technical Excellence" at the DC Scrum User Group. Abstract “Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility” is one of the twelve principles behind the Agile manifesto. Are your teams practicing Test Driven Development, Automated Testing, Continuous Integration and Delivery? How about…


Lost in Translation – The Manager’s Role in Agile

On April 19, 2021, Michae Sahota presented on "Lost in Translation - The Manager's Role in Agile" at the DC Scrum User Group. Abstract Your organization has moved to autonomous, self-organizing teams. Everyone is trained and coached on their new role. But what about managers? The role of a manager is _undefined_. Management is told, “Go…


A Deeper Dive Into the ScrumMaster Role By Richard Cheng

Richard Cheng joined the DC Scrum User Group on January 22, 2021 to take us on a Deeper Dive into the ScrumMaster role. Abstract The ScrumMaster is a critical role in Scrum (or Team Coach on Kanban/ Agile teams). However it is the most misunderstood role as well. They are not a project manager, nor a…


Stop and Smell the Roses by Aanu Gopald

Aanu Gopald joined the DC Scrum User Group on December 11, 2020 to present "Stop and Smell the Roses" Abstract ABSTRACTThe saying “stop and smell the roses.” doesn’t mean to simply smell flowers; it means to live in the moment with a great appreciation for the past, the present, the things around you and the future.…

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The Top 11 Changes to the 2020 Scrum Guide by Fadi Stephan

Fadi Stephan presented on the "Top 11 Changes to the 2020 Scrum Guide" at the DC Scrum User Group on December 11, 2020. Abstract Last month, a new updated version of the Scrum Guide was released by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Schwaber. Join your DC Scrum User Group Agile practitioners for an informal lunch time discussion…