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On May 17, 2021, Fadi Stephan presented on “Guiding Your Team To Technical Excellence” at the DC Scrum User Group.


“Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility” is one of the twelve principles behind the Agile manifesto.

Are your teams practicing Test Driven Development, Automated Testing, Continuous Integration and Delivery? How about pairing, mobbing, and collective code ownership?

Agile Engineering Practices are key to succeeding with Scrum and realizing its many benefits like faster ROI, reduced risks, increased visibility, high quality, and improved adaptability. Yet many teams struggle with adopting these practices and end up just going through the motions of Planning meetings, Daily Scrums, Reviews, Retros and so forth. They use cool new lingo and tools; they have new roles and titles, yet the overall approach, technical practices, and results are still the same. Sprints usually end up being just for coding and finish with no shippable Product Increment. Teams go through several Sprints without delivering anything. Testing cycles and release cycles are still long, and the delivery of customer value is delayed. The final deliverable suffers from poor quality and does not meet the customer’s needs.

Come to this session to learn how to introduce essential Agile Engineering Practices to your team. We’ll discuss typical transitions teams go through in their Agile adoption along with the challenges, roadblocks and push back to these technical practices. Leave equipped with a continuous improvement action plan to overcome these challenges, make new behaviors stick, and get your teams on their way to technical excellence.

Below is the video of the presentation along with the slide deck. You can also read a blog post series.

Guiding Your Team To Technical Excellence by Fadi Stephan at the DC Scrum User Group