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Acceptance Test Driven Development

At the 2019 Global Scrum Gathering in Austin, TX, I presented on Agile Testing. Below is the abstract of the talk, along with links to the Agile Testing blog series and the presentation slides.

austin global scrum gathering
2019 Austin Global Scrum Gathering

Abstract: Many teams struggle with fitting in testing activities inside of a Sprint. They end up doing primarily development activities in a Sprint and push testing activities to run in dedicated testing Sprints following the coding Sprints or have a coding and testing Sprint running in parallel. However, in Scrum, the output of every Sprint is a potentially shippable product increment. This means the product increment should be well tested within the Sprint and ready to be delivered. Come to this presentation to learn how to tackle testing on an Agile team, what kind of tests to execute, what to automate and what not to automate, the different test responsibilities, and when to run which tests. Leave with a testing strategy that you can start applying the next day to gradually get a team to start testing from day 1 of the Sprint and deliver a true product increment at the end of each Sprint.

Check out the Agile Testing presentation slides below along with the Agile Testing blog series:

Agile Testing – Testing From Day 1