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The Agile Testing Quadrant

Brian Marick came up with a way to categorize the different types by 2 dimensions:

  1. Tests that support programming or the team and tests that critique the product
  2. Tests that are technology facing and tests that are business facing

Test that support the team: These are tests that help the team build and change the application with confidence.

Test that critique the product: These are tests that help discover inadequacies in the product or feature.

Test that are technology facing: These are tests written from the perspective of a developer, in terms that a programmer understands using technical domain/functionality.

Test that are business facing: These are tests written from the perspective of a business person, in terms the business can understand using business domain/terminology.

The diagram above shows how the different types of tests map out in the Testing Quadrant:

Also check out the entire Agile Testing series: