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You are currently viewing 09/21/2020 – Are We There Yet? Agile Situational Awareness using Estimation

The DC Scrum User Group (DCSUG) is hosting a George Dinwiddie on September 21 for a presentation on Situational Awareness using Estimation.

When you start out on an extended trip with children, they almost immediately start asking if you’re nearly there. You’ll find similar interest from stakeholders when you start a software development project. Repeated queries can seem annoying, but the desire to know how the trip or project is proceeding is natural.

The best-laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men
Gang aft agley,

I’d bet that you want to pay attention to how things are going, also. You’d like to know if your plans are going awry, and you’d like to know with enough time to take corrective action. How will you know? That’s where estimates can help.

Are We There Yet? Agile Situational Awareness using Estimation

Monday, Sep 21, 2020, 5:30 PM

Online event

40 Agile Practitioners Attending

ABSTRACT When you start out on an extended trip with children, they almost immediately start asking if you’re nearly there. You’ll find similar interest from stakeholders when you start a software development project. Repeated queries can seem annoying, but the desire to know how the trip or project is proceeding is natural. The best-laid schemes o…

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