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You are currently viewing 09/26/2020 – eXperience Agile Conference

The eXperience Agile conference (XA2020) includes 3 events in 1 conference. The World Agility Forum, Agile Human Factors, eXperience Agile. Find out more at experienceagile.org

World Agility Forum

Around the world companies are reinventing themselves so they can innovate more effectively. This transformation is called Agility. The World Agility Forum held in Lisbon will bring together top companies, their leaders, and leading Agilists to explore the challenges and celebrate the success of Agility.

The highlight of the day is the gala dinner that celebrates those people and organizations that have benefited from applying the Agile mindset to their business and culture.

Agile Human Factors

Agile is undoubtedly connected to information technologies and hardly ever ran away from this concept but … it’s teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage. Yes, culture makes us different, and technology make us the same, and this conference is a turning point to all of us to understand that mixing this two ingredient leads to innovation and creativity. The Agile Human Factors conference wants to respond to these challenges using the techniques of teamwork: 1- Leadership 2- Psychological safety 3- Flow 4- Cognitive Bias 5- Continuous Feedback.

eXperience Agile

Agile is an approach that is being used by companies around the world to get to increase speed to market, improve quality, and do more work in less time while providing more value to customers.

eXperience Agile is a revolutionary event that brings together thought leaders from around the world to share industry best practices and strategies that can be applied across a variety of industries, such as, IT, hardware, infrastructure, marketing, HR, finance, and even outside of work as Personal Agility to help you do more of what matters in your life.