Read more about the article Who Is Responsible for Testing in Scrum?
Who Is Responsible For Testing?

Who Is Responsible for Testing in Scrum?

Testing is everyone’s responsibility. The entire team works collectively to develop a quality product. Most of the automation is done by the people writing the code using an approach known as Test Driven Development or Test Driven Design (TDD). This includes unit, integration, component, and system tests. These tests verify that the application works as intended.…

Read more about the article When Do We Start Testing in Scrum?
Task Board Indicating Quality Is an After Thought

When Do We Start Testing in Scrum?

What does your task board say about your team? Many teams have a separate testing column. This indicates that we are still doing hand-offs from development to testing and that testing is an afterthought. Testing is not a phase that happens at the end of a project and it’s not a phase that happens at the…

Read more about the article What is The Testing Pyramid?
Agile Testing Pyramid

What is The Testing Pyramid?

Most teams today use an inverted pyramid where most of the tests are manual User Acceptance Tests and System tests and are manually executed via the UI. Unit tests are non-existent or are too few to be beneficial. In order to have a maintainable test suite, as explained in this post, the base of our pyramid…

Read more about the article 06/20/2019 – Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM®) Training Class in Washington DC
Certified ScrumMaster Class by Kaizenko

06/20/2019 – Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM®) Training Class in Washington DC

Join us for the June 20 - June 21 Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) training class in Washington DC. This course is a 2 day immersive training and learning experience that covers Agile values and Agile principles, the fundamentals of Scrum, the intricacies of the Scrum framework, Scrum roles and responsibilities, and the keys to a successful Scrum…

Read more about the article 06/10/2019 Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) Training Class in Washington DC
Certified ScrumMaster Class by Kaizenko

06/10/2019 Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) Training Class in Washington DC

Join us for the June 10 - 11 Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM®) training class in Washington DC. This course is a 2 day immersive training and learning experience that covers Agile values and Agile principles, the fundamentals of Scrum, the intricacies of the Scrum framework, Scrum roles and responsibilities, and the keys to a successful Scrum implementation.…

Read more about the article 04/17/2019 – The Inner Game of Agility with Michael Hamman
Michael Hamman

04/17/2019 – The Inner Game of Agility with Michael Hamman

Join Michael Hamman and the Washington DC Scrum User Group (DCSUG) as we explore the nature of inner agility, which refers to the sensemaking, communication, and relationship intelligence of an organization’s people. How might we concretely define the realm of inner agility? Why is it important for the success of outer agility, and the outcomes it…

Read more about the article How Many Tests Are Enough?
How Many Tests Are Enough?

How Many Tests Are Enough?

When trying to decide how to distribute our testing efforts and how many tests to write for each different type, it’s important to consider: Test coverage: How much of the code has a test that verifies its behaviorTest execution time: How long does it take to run the test and get a result backTest feedback: How…

Read more about the article What is a Bug? Here is the First Software Bug Ever Reported
A page from the Harvard Mark II electromechanical computer’s log, featuring a dead moth that was removed from the device.

What is a Bug? Here is the First Software Bug Ever Reported

Merriam-Webster defines the word bug as "an unexpected defect, fault, flaw, or imperfection." In 1946, the 1st ever case of a software bug was reported in an early electro-mechanical computer called the Mark II. An actual moth got trapped in the relay of the computer and caused it to malfunction. The moth was removed and taped…

Read more about the article What’s Really Going On? An Observational Workshop
what's really going on observational workshop

What’s Really Going On? An Observational Workshop

Check out the video below of Julie Wyman and Mark Grove presenting on "What's Really Going on? An Observational Workshop" at the Washington DC Scrum User Group (DCSUG). They show us how observation is a powerful tool, but one which we may not take advantage to its true potential. By learning how to expand our observational…

Read more about the article Which Tests Should We Automate?
Which Tests Can We Automate?

Which Tests Should We Automate?

When we look at the different types of tests and the Agile Testing Quadrant, which tests in which quadrant can we automate? In general, any tests that can be scripted can and should be automated. If we can map out a series of preparatory steps, followed by an action that results in an expected value or…

Read more about the article What is The Agile Testing Quadrant?
The Agile Testing Quadrant

What is The Agile Testing Quadrant?

Brian Marick came up with a way to categorize the different types by 2 dimensions: Tests that support programming or the team and tests that critique the productTests that are technology facing and tests that are business facing Test that support the team: These are tests that help the team build and change the application with…

Read more about the article 02/25/2019 – What’s REALLY Going On? An Observational Skills Workshop
DC Scrum User Group

02/25/2019 – What’s REALLY Going On? An Observational Skills Workshop

Looking to learn how to expand your observational skills in a non-biased and non-judgmental manner to gain a deeper understanding of team dynamics and interactions allowing you to offer more meaningful and impactfull support, coaching, and empathy? Check out this month's DCSUG meetup.

Read more about the article 05/06/2019 Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) Training Class in Washington DC
Certified ScrumMaster Class by Kaizenko

05/06/2019 Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) Training Class in Washington DC

Join us for the May 6 - 7 Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM®) training class in Washington DC. This course is a 2 day immersive training and learning experience that covers Agile values and Agile principles, the fundamentals of Scrum, the intricacies of the Scrum framework, Scrum roles and responsibilities, and the keys to a successful Scrum implementation.…