Is Agile the Answer?

There are many problems organizations face in delivering digital solutions and products. These problems might be due to the long concept to deployment cycles and the lack of feedback loops in our traditional waterfall software development approach. To solve these problems, organizations decide to go Agile and take and iterative and incremental approach to software development.…


Top 4 Problems with Digital Service Delivery

Delivering Digital Services to our stakeholders and customers is hard and the overall industry success rates are dismal. The reasons are many, but some of the most common problems are below. Do any of these sound familiar? Long and painful testing cycles: After months and months of coding an application, the team declares it done (but…


What is Digital Service Delivery?

The term Digital Services refers to the electronic delivery of information including data and content across multiple platforms and devices like web or mobile. Information is presented in a way that is easy to use and understand and typically involves transactional services such as submitting forms for processing and receiving benefits. Think of applying for a…


Journey to Cloud Cadence

Check out the video below of Sam Guckenhiemer presenting "Journey to Cloud Cadence" at Agile2014. Guckenhiemer describes a ten-year transformation at Microsoft Developer Division from a waterfallian box product delivery cycle of four years to Agile practices enabling a hybrid SaaS and on-prem business, with a single code base, triweekly delivery of new features in the…


Best Job Ever

Check out the video below of Diana Larsen presenting "Best Job Ever" at Agile2014. Diana calls on you to remember the everyday felt experiences of many early Agile teams that learned to love their work again. Early teams and practitioners focused on Agile as an opportunity to make things better for themselves, their customers, and their…

Read more about the article Beyond Budgeting – An Agile Management Model for New Business and People Realities – The Statoil Implementation Journey
Bjarte Bogsnes Presenting on Beyond Budgeting at Agile2014

Beyond Budgeting – An Agile Management Model for New Business and People Realities – The Statoil Implementation Journey

Check out the video below of Bjarte Bogsnes presenting on "Beyond Budgeting - An Agile Management Model for New Business and People Realities - The Statoil Implementation Journey" at Agile2014. Bjarte discusses the problems with traditional management, including budgeting and explores the Beyond Budgeting principles, redefining performance, dynamic forecasting and resource allocation. Beyond Budgeting by…

Read more about the article Why Everyone Needs DevOps Now
Gene Kim presenting on "Everyone Needs DevOps" at Agile2013

Why Everyone Needs DevOps Now

Check out the video below of Gene Kim presenting on "Why Everyone Needs DevOps Now" at Agile2013. Gene Kim has been studying high-performing IT organizations since 1999. He is the author of the highly acclaimed “Visible Ops Handbook,” “The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win,” and was founder and CTO…

Read more about the article Forty Years of Trying to Play Well with Others
Tim Lister Presenting on "Forty Years of Trying to Play Well with Others" at Agile2013

Forty Years of Trying to Play Well with Others

Check out the video below of Tim Lister presenting on "Forty Years of Trying to Play Well with Others" at Agile2013. Tim describes his work as a colleague, as an apprentice, as a mentor, and as a mediator. Tim describes how team dynamics have changed over the years, and how they bring new challenges to tight…

Read more about the article Managing a Collaborative Multi-National Team in Real Time
Joe Justice Presenting "Managing a Collaborative Multi-National Team in Real Time" at Agile2012

Managing a Collaborative Multi-National Team in Real Time

Check out the video below of Joe Justicei presenting on "Managing a Collaborative Multi-National Team in Real Time" at Agile2012. Joe share his story about the origins of WikiSpeed and building the X Prize car that gets 100 miles to the gallon. Joe talks about how he used Scrum to manufacture a fast, affordable, safe, fun,…

Read more about the article Adventures of an Accidental Entrepreneur
Adventures of an Accidental Entrepreneur by Dr Sunita Maheshwari at Agile2012

Adventures of an Accidental Entrepreneur

Check out the video below of Dr Sunita Maheshwari presenting on "Adventures of an Accidental Entrepreneur - A High Tech Teleradiology Venture from India" at Agile2012. Sunita traces the journey of a one-man, one-room company in India started by a Doctor without a job, to its present status as the number 1 nationally ranked teleradiology company…


Scaling Up Excellence

Checkout the video below of Professor Robert Sutton presenting on "Scaling Up Excellence" at Agile2012. Bob digs into the lessons that he and Hayagreeva Rao learned about spreading excellence from people and places that have it to those that don’t. Scaling depends on instilling and spreading a mindset, not just growing a big footprint as fast…

Read more about the article The Power of an Agile Mindset
Linda Rising Presenting the Power of An Agile Mindset at Agile2011

The Power of an Agile Mindset

Checkout the video below of Linda Rising presenting on "The Power of an Agile Mindset" at Agile2011. Linda wonders whether much of Agile's success was the result of the placebo effect, that is, good things happened because we believed they would. The placebo effect is a startling reminder of the power our minds have over our…

Read more about the article Why Care About Positive Emotions
Barbara Fredrickson presenting on Why Care about Positive Emotions at Agile2011

Why Care About Positive Emotions

Checkout the video below of Dr. Barbara Fredrickson presenting on "Why Care About Positive Emotions" at Agile2011. Dr. Fredrickson and her colleagues have found that positive emotions literally change the way the human brain works, widening people's perspectives, and their outlooks on life. According to Fredrickson’s broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions, this shift in mindset drives…

Read more about the article Code
Kevlin Henney Presenting Code at Agile 2011


Checkout the video below of Kevlin Henney presenting on "Code" at Agile2011. Kevlin looks into code. It is the definition of the software. It is the enabler of functionality, the realizer of business value, the expression of understanding. It is also an expression of misunderstanding, a resister of change, a source of sunk costs. But the…