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Scrum is a Nutshell is an introduction to Scrum fundamentals covering Scrum theory, accountabilities, events, and artifacts. The series meets the Scrum Alliance® Scrum Foundations learning objectives below:

Scrum Theory

1.1. describe how Scrum is aligned with the values and principles of the Manifesto for Agile Software
1.2. define Scrum and describe its purpose.
1.3. list the five core Scrum values.
1.4. define empirical process control and list the three pillars.
1.5. explain how product planning in an empirical environment differs from traditional fixed planning.
1.6. describe at least two benefits that could be lost if Scrum is only partially implemented.
1.7. describe the benefits of an iterative and incremental approach.

The Scrum Roles
2.1. illustrate how the Scrum Roles interact with each other to deliver the increment within a Sprint.
2.2. define a cross-functional team and identify at least three benefits of a cross-functional, self-organizing team.

Scrum Events
3.1. explain at least three benefits of timeboxing.
3.2. list the five events within Scrum, define the purpose of each event, and identify the participants, timing, and maximum recommended timebox.

Scrum Artifacts
4.1. list the three artifacts within Scrum and define the purpose of each.
4.2. explain the definition of “Done,” its purpose, and how it evolves over time.
4.3. identify at least two reasons why the Scrum Team dedicates time for Product Backlog Refinement.
4.4. list at least three activities that may occur as part of Product Backlog Refinement.

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    Scrum in a Nutshell

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