Scrum Values in a Nutshell

For teams to succeed with Scrum, team members must become proficient in living the 5 Scrum values of commitment, focus, openness, respect, and courage. Commitment: In Scrum, the team commits to each other, not to other people, but to each other, on supporting each other to deliver on the Sprint Goal and Product Goal. Focus: In…


The Self-Organizing Team Canvas

Use the Self-Organizing Team Canvas as a template to help you foster a self-organizing team. Attributes of a self-organizing team include: Goal: A team is a group working together collaboratively towards a common goal or vision. Without this common goal or vision, there is little collaboration. It's just members working in silos and coordinating their activities…

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Definition of Done Canvas

At the 2023 Global Scrum Gathering in Portland, Fadi Stephan presented on the Definition of Done Canvas. Below is the abstract of the talk, along with the presentation slides and a blog post related to the presentation. Abstract: Many Scrum teams still struggle with delivering a high-quality, fully tested, production-ready product increment at the end of…


2023 Global Scrum Gathering in Portland

On May 7-10, 2023, Fadi Stephan presented at the Global Scrum Gathering in Portland on The Definition of Done Canvas. Below are some of the resources mentioned in the talk: The Definition of Done Canvas Presentation Slides How to use the Definition of Done Canvas Download The Definition of Done Canvas Definition of Done vs. Acceptance…

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Sprint Retrospective in a Nutshell

The Sprint Retrospective is a reflection event that occurs at the end of each Sprint. It is for the entire Scrum team which includes the Product Owner, Developers, and ScrumMaster to inspect how they are operating and then come up with a continuous improvement plan to adapt and become more effective as a team and as…


Sprint Review in a Nutshell

The Sprint Review is a working session for the stakeholders, users, and customers to collaborate with the Scrum team which includes the Developers, Product Owner, and Scrum Master, and inspect the progress made toward the Product Goal based on the latest Product Increment. The Sprint Review is about getting feedback from the stakeholders and users on…


Daily Scrum in a Nutshell

The Daily Scrum is a brief daily planning event by the Developers to inspect their work and the progress they are making toward the Sprint Goal that will result in a Product Increment. The Developers created their Sprint plan or Sprint Backlog in Sprint Planning at the beginning of the Sprint. However, this plan is not…


Sprint Planning in a Nutshell

In Scrum, the Sprint starts with Sprint Planning where the Scrum team plans out their work for the Sprint and creates a Sprint Backlog. The Sprint Backlog is the team’s plan to accomplish the work. Sprint planning is timeboxed to 2 hours per week of Sprint, so for a 2-week Sprint it is one event for…

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Product Backlog Refinement in a Nutshell

The Product Backlog is an ordered list of hypotheses, requirements, features, enhancements, or Product Backlog Items that help the team accomplish the Product Goal. The Product Backlog is the team’s single source of work. Meaning, anything the Developers are working on should be coming from the Product Backlog. There are no side requests. Any work should…


Scrum Team in a Nutshell

The Scrum team consists of 3 accountabilities, Developers, Product Owner, and Scrum Master. Developers are accountable for building and delivering a quality working Product Increment at the end of each Sprint. They are a small group, typically 3 to 9 members that are cross-functional and self-organizing. Developers are cross-functional to remove bottlenecks and dependencies. Developers on…


Scrum Accountabilities, Artifacts, and Events in a Nutshell

In Scrum, there are 3 accountabilities, 3 artifacts, and 5 events. The 3 accountabilities in Scrum are: Product Owner, accountable for the delivery of a valuable product. Developers, accountable for building and delivering a working quality product. Scrum Master, accountable for the effectiveness of the Scrum team and organization in building and delivering a valuable, quality,…


Agile Online Summit 2022

On November 2, 2022, Fadi Stephan presented at the Agile Online Summit on 6 Tips for Effective Product Backlog Refinement. Below are some of the resources mentioned in the talk: 6 Tips For Effective Product Backlog Refinement 13 Patterns For Splitting User Stories The Product Backlog Refinement Canvas

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2022 Global Scrum Gathering in Lisbon

On October 17-19, 2022, Fadi Stephan presented at the Global Scrum Gathering in Lisbon on Coaching Your Team to Technical Excellence and on 6 Tips for Effective Product Backlog Refinement. Below are some of the resources mentioned in the talk: Coaching Your Team To Technical Excellence 8 Steps to Technical Excellence The Definition of Done Canvas…

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AgileDC 2022

On October 3, 2022, Fadi Stephan was at AgileDC and presented 6 Tips for Effective Product Backlog Refinement. Below are some of the resources mentioned in the talk: 6 Tips For Effective Product Backlog Refinement 13 Patterns For Splitting User Stories The Product Backlog Refinement Canvas

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