Read more about the article How Many Tests Are Enough?
How Many Tests Are Enough?

How Many Tests Are Enough?

When trying to decide how to distribute our testing efforts and how many tests to write for each different type, it’s important to consider: Test coverage: How much of the code has a test that verifies its behaviorTest execution time: How long does it take to run the test and get a result backTest feedback: How…

Read more about the article What is a Bug? Here is the First Software Bug Ever Reported
A page from the Harvard Mark II electromechanical computer’s log, featuring a dead moth that was removed from the device.

What is a Bug? Here is the First Software Bug Ever Reported

Merriam-Webster defines the word bug as "an unexpected defect, fault, flaw, or imperfection." In 1946, the 1st ever case of a software bug was reported in an early electro-mechanical computer called the Mark II. An actual moth got trapped in the relay of the computer and caused it to malfunction. The moth was removed and taped…

Read more about the article Which Tests Should We Automate?
Which Tests Can We Automate?

Which Tests Should We Automate?

When we look at the different types of tests and the Agile Testing Quadrant, which tests in which quadrant can we automate? In general, any tests that can be scripted can and should be automated. If we can map out a series of preparatory steps, followed by an action that results in an expected value or…

Read more about the article What is The Agile Testing Quadrant?
The Agile Testing Quadrant

What is The Agile Testing Quadrant?

Brian Marick came up with a way to categorize the different types by 2 dimensions: Tests that support programming or the team and tests that critique the productTests that are technology facing and tests that are business facing Test that support the team: These are tests that help the team build and change the application with…

Read more about the article What are the Different Types of Tests?
Types of Tests

What are the Different Types of Tests?

Test definitions vary. Sometimes they are categorized by type, level and approach. Below is my take on the different types of testing. Unit Testing: Verifies that a single unit of code (a specific behavior in a method) behaves as intended. Integration Testing: Verifies that two or more units communicating with each other behave as intended. Component…


The Most Common Misunderstanding of Agile Software Development

Many organizations believe Agile is just about development and focus solely on an iterative or incremental approach to development, ignoring other aspects like requirements, designs, tests, and deployments. Agile is not just about development. It is not about maintaining your SDLC phased approach and iterating just over the development phase and keeping a long big upfront…

Read more about the article Do You Offer Discounts on Certified Scrum Classes?
Training Discounts

Do You Offer Discounts on Certified Scrum Classes?

Absolutely! We offer various types of discounts based on ticket type as mentioned below in addition to special promo codes you can get by subscribing to our newsletter. These promo codes give you additional discounts of up $50 off upcoming Scrum classes. Our discounts based on ticket type include: Early Bird: For every class, there are…

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Read more about the article How to Claim PDU’s for a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) Course or Other Scrum Alliance Courses
Project Management Institute

How to Claim PDU’s for a Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) Course or Other Scrum Alliance Courses

The Project Management Institute (PMI®) encourages its members to continue their professional development by accumulating Professional Development Units (PDUs) via continuing education like training classes, organization meetings, reading books, creating content, volunteering and so forth. For full details on PDU requirements, look up the Continuing Certification Requirements Handbook (CCR). To claim PDUs for attending a Kaizenko…

Read more about the article Top 5 Ways to Earn Scrum Education Units (SEUs)

Top 5 Ways to Earn Scrum Education Units (SEUs)

Scrum Education Units or SEUs are required for renewing foundational, advanced and professional level Scrum Alliance certifications. This includes CSM®, CSPO®, CSD®, A-CSM℠, A-CSPO℠, CSP®-SM, CSP®-PO, and CSP®. To validate your participation and continued proficiency in the fundamental principles and practices of Scrum and to maintain your certification you are required to earn SEUs by completing…


Managing Technical Debt Presentation

I presented on Managing Technical Debt at the AgileDC2018 conference held at the Kellog Conference Center at Gallaudet University in Washington DC. I'd previously presented variations of this talk at Agile2014 in Orlando, as well as the Global Scrum Gathering in Las Vegas and in Barcelona. Below is the abstract, along with the slides from the…

Read more about the article How do I Maintain or Renew My ScrumMaster (CSM) or Other Scrum Alliance Certifications?
Becoming a Certified ScrumMaster

How do I Maintain or Renew My ScrumMaster (CSM) or Other Scrum Alliance Certifications?

Your Scrum Alliance certification is valid for 2 years. This applies to the Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM®), Certified Scrum Product Owner® (CSPO®), Certified Scrum Developer® (CSD®), Advanced Certifications (A-CSM℠, A-CSPO℠) as well as the Professional Certifications (CSP®, CSP-SM® , CSP-PO®). The initial fee was included in your course registration. To maintain your certification beyond the first 2…

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How Do I Prepare for Taking the Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) Exam?

Did you just complete your Certified Scrum Master (CSM) Class? Are you prepping to take the Scrum Alliance CSM exam? Are you ready for the CSM test? You have 90 days after the completion of the class to take the Scrum Alliance administered CSM exam. To pass, you must correctly answer 37 out of 50 questions…